Don't allow your past to control your present or future. Whatever happen you must let it go. Leave the pain of your past behind. So, it can not ruin your future. Leave the darkness of your past behind. So, it can not block the light of your bright future. If someone do wrong with you then only way you can win is if you let go and move on. If you want to win, then you must focus on building your future and start hard work now and make your future great.
Hello Everyone As you all know, everyone is looking for something, someone is in search of money, someone is in search of a career, someone is looking for friendship, then someone is in search of a close one, with which he can share his thoughts. I was also looking for a friend with whom I could talk about my past, so I started talking to strangers, I must have talked to at least 50 strangers in 2 months, I also listened to them, but did not talk to anyone for more than 2 days. Used to block before the completion of 2 days, I know you will understand me wrong, but what should I do, I want to forget my past, where I cried a lot. One such day I met a stranger who was not attached to anyone exactly like me, running away from everyone after talking for a few days. Our conversation started, I used to talk to her because after 2 days I knew I had to go but whenever she talked to me, every time she taught me something new. While talking to her, I don't know when that fr...
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